P-05-804 We need Welsh Government funding for play!!, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 27.04.20

Hi my comments are the same as before – the play sufficiency duty enacted by the Welsh Government on local authorities cannot be delivered with no ring fenced funding and this has led to the loss of a number of valued playwork delivery organisations over the last few years, the loss of many open access play sites (all have disappeared in Cardiff).  Therefore my petition requests that the Welsh Government demonstrate their commitment to children in Wales having access to sufficient play opportunities by providing designated funding direct to local authorities for them to deliver or commission delivery of on the ground playwork so that children can access their right to play under Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, as outlined in the Children and Families (Wales) Measure Section 11.  Currently there has been intermittent funding provided as part of Welsh Government underspend, that has been distributed at the end of financial years (none in 2019 – 2020) with a timescale of weeks in which to allocate expenditure and this leads to very short term results.  Those who signed this petition request that reguarl and sufficient ring fenced funds are delivered across Wales in the shortest time possible.  Play benefits children in numerous ways, and is integral to their health, development and wellbeing and has been shown to build resilience in those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged and children (safe Places to Play and Hangout, NafW report) showed that children priorotise play that is delivered close to home and by trusted playworkers.  This is what we want for children across Wales.